Mobile Wallet Adoption of Generations X, Y, and Z Consumers: A Path Modelling Approach Using Multigroup Analysis

Mobile Wallet Adoption of Generations X, Y, and Z Consumers: A Path Modelling Approach Using Multigroup Analysis

Jean Paolo Gomez Lacap, Kevin Joseph Sumba, Rio Gatchalian, Gladys Rose Petil
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 34
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-8850-1.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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It has been observed in the past years that there is an increase in the level of mobile wallet adoption among consumers. Consumers from different generation cohorts have also been noted to have differences in their adoption of mobile wallets. Hence, this chapter aims to investigate the mobile wallet adoption of generations X, Y, and Z. In particular, the study explores how self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived credibility influence the intention to use mobile wallets among generations X, Y, and Z. The participants were Filipino mobile wallet users who were selected using a purposive sampling technique via river sampling. To measure the research hypotheses, partial least squares path modeling and moderation analysis using multigroup analysis were utilized. The multigroup analysis reveals a significant difference in the link between perceived ease of use and intention to use a mobile wallet between generations Y and Z and between generations X and Y.
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