Modeling the Knowledge Sharing Barriers: An ISM Approach

Modeling the Knowledge Sharing Barriers: An ISM Approach

B. P. Sharma, M. D. Singh
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9562-7.ch102
(Individual Chapters)
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In the knowledge-based economy, the survival and growth of the engineering industries depends upon the knowledge management (KM). In the present environment, KS is the corner stone of the KM. Some variables hinder KS in the industries are known as knowledge sharing barriers (KSBs). The objective of this paper is to identify and recognize the critical KSBs and their mutual influences in the industries. The interpretive structural modeling (ISM) methodology has been used to develop hierarchy of the identified KSBs evolving their mutual relationships. Identified KSBs at the root of the hierarchy (called driving KSBs) and at the top of the hierarchy (called dependent KSBs). It is observed that two KSBs namely “lack of top management commitment” and “KM is not well understood” have highest driving power. Therefore, these KSBs require serious attention by the managers in the engineering industries. The study concludes with discussion and managerial implications.
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Literature Review

In this paper, twenty eight critical KSBs have been selected based on literature reviewed as shown in table 1. The identification of KSBs and their interdependency has been discussed as below.

Table 1.
Knowledge sharing barriers (KSBs)
Knowledge Sharing Barriers (KSBs) Bollinger & Smith (2001) Zyngier (2002) KMPG (2003)McCannJE & Buckner (2004) Wong & Aspinwall (2005) Singh et al. (2006) Singh &Kant (2007) Kant & Singh (2008) Wong (2009) Ahmad & Dagfhous (2010)
1. Lack of top management commitment
2. KM is not well understood
3. Lack of Integration of KM
4. Lack of Financial Resources
5. Lack of Organizational Culture
6. Lack of Transparent Reward system
7. Lack of Infrastructure supporting Knowledge Sharing
8. Emphasis on individual rather than Team
9. Lack of Priority of Knowledge Retention
10. Restriction to Knowledge Flow
11. Lack of time
12. Fear of Job Security
13. Lack of trust
14. Lack of Training
15. Unrealistic expectation of Employees
16. Reluctance to use IT system
17. Mismatch between Individual’s need
18. Staff Retirement
19. Lack of Integration of IT System
20. Lack of Documentation
21. Age Differences
22. Gender Differences
23. Differences in national Culture
24. Lack of Social Network
25. Insufficient Analysis of Past Mistakes
26. Unawareness about new Technologies and systems
27. Staff Defection
28. Lack of Organizational Structure

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