Monitoring Supply Chain Management in Healthcare Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Monitoring Supply Chain Management in Healthcare Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Amit Chugh, Supriya P. Panda
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-2508-4.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The healthcare system is transforming from traditional medication to smart healthcare. Smart healthcare plays a vital role in urban development. Medicines and injections are the key building blocks of the healthcare system. Environmental conditions like temperature, pressure, and humidity can adversely affect the quality of medicines and injections. So, maintaining proper temperature and humidity is a must to keep them safe. There is need of continuous monitoring of medicines and injections during their supply chain. The wireless sensor network (WSN) strives to detect surrounding parameters and relay sensed data to the base station without any human deployment. Supply chain management (SCM) in healthcare system is also one of the applications, which requires a different type of monitoring, supervision, and handling at different levels. WSN adds a contribution in the making of smart healthcare, as it uses the smart way (sensors) of monitoring the medicines and injections in the supply chain.
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Authors Evers et al. have shown the role of WSN in SCM automation (Evers & Havinga, 2007). This work is a demonstration of the Sensor Scheme to show the work of sensors in the supply chain. For simulation purposes, the shipment of bananas from one stop to another location had been considered. Throughout the complete supply chain, the sensors are placed to perform various tasks. Sensors are attached to pallets in which bananas are kept. Here the first task of the sensor is to monitor whether the temperature is sufficiently cold or not. In the next step, their placement is considered. Further, their location is tracked like where the shipment is now and has it reached the proper destination or not? Complete tracking is aimed in such a manner that even a single wrong step will trigger an alarm. This alarm can let the business authorities know about unusual or unexpected scenarios during the supply chain. This paper alarm is shown by the use of a red LED and successful transmission is by a green LED.

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