Multi-Criteria Decision Making: A Cast Light Upon the Usage in Military Decision Process

Multi-Criteria Decision Making: A Cast Light Upon the Usage in Military Decision Process

Tolga Temucin
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9023-2.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) is a discipline that explicitly considers assessing alternatives in a decision problem with respect to multiple criteria. Those methods are frequently used to solve real-life decision problems that incorporate multiple, conflicting, and incommensurate criteria. Considering the chaotic, complex, and ambiguous nature and the dynamics of the military operations, most decision problems observed in military organizations also follow a similar structure involving multiple criteria. This chapter gives an overview of the basic decision-making problem types and decision processes observed in military organizations and provides information on the MCDM methodologies adopted to solve those problems.
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Decision Making And Multi-Criteria Decision Making

Human is a living creature that makes a decision to determine the best choice by compiling lots of input presented in a raw status to meet different kinds of requirements.

It is appropriate to define “decision process” which humans execute in every second of life as below:

  • Decision making is an act of choice of an individual or a group of individuals. It is the exercising of one’s free will to choose a single alternative or a hierarchy of alternatives among available options (Gunasekera, 2010),

  • Decision making is about asking clear questions and obtaining clear and definite answers, for example, “where should we go?”, “what options have we got?”, “what should we do?” and “what should our strategy be?” and so on (Drummond, 2001),

  • Decision-making process which is related to the selection or the preference of a choice when there are more than one is the sum of physical and mental efforts (Tosun, 1992),

  • A decision implies the end of deliberation and the beginning of an action (Buchanan & O'Connell, 2006), and

  • Decision making is a procedure to find the best alternative among a set of feasible alternatives (Cebi & Kahraman, 2010; Karatas, 2017b).

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