Multiliteracies and Games: Do Cybergamers Dream of Pedagogic Sheep?

Multiliteracies and Games: Do Cybergamers Dream of Pedagogic Sheep?

Pam Wright, David Skidmore
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-842-0.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Digitalization of modern society has lead to rapid changes and innovative ways of communicating. Changes in the way people perceive belonging to society are reflected in the multiple methods of participation, communication, learning and engaging. Knowledge has become synonymous with how we can locate, use and find new information in a networked world rather than what it is we already know. The quest for knowledge in this digital and globalized society forces interaction with multiple modes of information. In this multi-literate society, educators must find opportunities for students to interact and interpret the multitude of new literacies. This chapter discusses how multi-literacies are bound up in computer games and how educators can employ these games through play, study and creation to shift students from consumers to creators of interactive narratives. The chapter provides some strategies for implementing the games in the curriculum. It also raises questions about computer game use in the primary classroom, and calls for an integrated approach to teacher and trainee teacher professional development in the area of computer gaming.
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The New London Group (1996) argue that literacy learning in this century needs to take account of new media that shape the way language is used. Technology has changed the way we not only operate in a globalized society, but also our means of communicating and subsequently the language we use. Often educators are in a dilemma; between 'txtng and your sincerley'. According to O'Rouke (2002), educators need to provide opportunities for student engagement at a critical level. She suggests that to prepare multiliterate students they need opportunities to both express themselves and make sense of the world through multiple modes of communication (linguistic/textual, visual/graphical, musical/audio,spatial, gestural) sometimes all operating simultaneously.

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