Navigating the Digital Skies: Good Governance and Cyber Security in Tourism, Aviation, and Hospitality Sectors

Navigating the Digital Skies: Good Governance and Cyber Security in Tourism, Aviation, and Hospitality Sectors

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2715-9.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The digital transformation in the tourism, aviation, and hospitality industries has led to unprecedented connectivity and productivity with the integration of automation and AI in operational processes. A robust and transparent industry is built on good governance and cyber security measures while understanding how effective management, security, safety compliance, accountability, transparency, and ethical standards contribute to the long-term success of these sectors that requires pervasive use of sustainable growth technologies while balancing the benefits of personalization with privacy concerns and regulatory compliance. The increased reliance on digital platforms raises concerns about data privacy dealing with data collection, storage and processing while considering the future prospects proactively with emerging technologies such as IoT, 5G, 6G, blockchain management and many more. The chapter delves on the role good governance and cyber security play in tourism, aviation and hospitality sectors while showcasing the possible future trends.
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