Negotiation, Trust, and Experience Management in E-Supply Chains

Negotiation, Trust, and Experience Management in E-Supply Chains

Gavin Finnie, Zhaohao Sun
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-677-8.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter reviews fundamentals of e-supply chain management and examines the transformation from the traditional supply chains to the e-supply chains (e-SC). This chapter applies experience management (EM) and experience-based reasoning (EBR) to intellegent agents in the e-SC and explores how to use experience in extablishing trust in other agents. The role of trust and deception in supply chains for real-time enterprises is discussed, and a logical framework for fraud and deception is explained in this chapter. EBR is considered as a way to manage trust in the supply network. This chapter explores cooperation and negotiation, trust and deception in e-supply chains by providing methodologies and intelligent techniques for multiagent trust, negotiation, and deception in an e-SC. Finally, a unified model is developed for integrating cooperation and negotiation, trust and deception in e-supply chains. Although primarily theoretical, the chapter highlights new areas of research which will impact supply chain management.

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