New Approaches to Harness Digital Innovations for Capacity Building Among Healthcare Professionals

New Approaches to Harness Digital Innovations for Capacity Building Among Healthcare Professionals

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5523-7.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Continuous capacity building is crucial in the constantly shifting healthcare environment to ensure that healthcare professionals have the most up-to-date information and abilities to deliver high-quality care. It can help in addressing the healthcare workforce shortage and improve accessibility to healthcare services. Capacity building must be approached at all levels—individual, institutional, and at policy levels—to ensure it is effective, scalable, and sustainable. There are four approaches of building capacity digitally. The dynamically expanding world of telecommunications and digital technologies can be leveraged with appropriate strategies to become more efficient and give the best results. Hybrid models combining elements of traditional in-person training with online learning platforms, offering a flexible and adaptive approach to provide diverse learning styles can be adopted. Leveraging new innovative approaches can ensure that the healthcare workforce remains competent, adaptable, and equipped to meet the evolving demands of the healthcare landscape.
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