An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

An Objective Registration Method for Mandible Alignment

Andreas Vogel
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-292-3.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter introduces a computer-controlled method for mandible alignment. The exact positioning of the mandible in relation to the maxilla is still one of the great daily challenges in restorative dentistry. Between 1980 and 1991 long-term animal experimentation series about the performance of jaw muscles as well as temporomandibular joints were made at the University of Leipzig, Germany. Until today other studies of similar scale or approach can not be found in international literature. Miniature pigs were exposed to stress under unilateral disturbance of occlusion. Based on that morphological, histochemical and biochemical processings and some other functions were then analyzed. The studies proved that masticatory muscles play a vital role in the positioning of the mandible. Combining these findings with knowledge about support pin registration and the influence of masticatory force on the results of this method a computer-controlled registration method was developed. With the DIR®System exists a final method of measurement which gives objective, reproducible and documentable results.
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Basic Research Of The Orofacial System

In the early 1980’s Dr. med. Andreas Vogel initiated an investigation by a work group at the Poliklinik für Prothetische Stomatologie at the University of Leipzig (in cooperation with the Anatomic Institutes of the Universities of Leipzig und Rostock, especially noting Gert Horst Schumacher as well as the Institut für Sportmedizin of the Deutsche Hochschule für Körperkultur —DHfK -, also Leipzig, all Germany). To gain deeper insight into these complex processes the group focused on the behavior of certain masticatory muscles and temproromandibular joints structures in relation to the occlusal system. The results of these investigations, which lasted over ten years, were conducted under varying statements of task and can be summarized as following:

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