The development of online curriculum provides an opportunity to rethink traditional workflows and approaches to curriculum mapping. An XML-based single-source model is used to illustrate some key practical and conceptual challenges. A mezzanine approach to curriculum is proposed, which seeks to conceive of curriculum as a three-dimensional space embedded within various networks. The final part of the discussion then seeks to contextualise these challenges in the recent climate in which user-generated, participatory technologies have made a resurgence. Here, the single source case study highlights some complimentary benefits of using a conventional learning-object approach that provides scope to encompass the social, participatory, and collaborative aspects of “E-learning 2.0.”
Key Terms in this Chapter
Web Log: A Web log or “blog” is a frequently updated Web site that is typically published by an individual and that features an informal style.
W3C: The World Wide Web Consortium includes product vendors, service providers, publishers, corporations, academic institutions and governmental bodies seeking to evaluate and develop proposed technologies for the Web, such as HTML and XML.
E-Learning 2.0: Promotes online learning as a platform for personal learning through interoperable tools that enable the authoring and sharing of content according to student needs.
HTML: Hypertext markup language is used to encode formatting, links, and other features on Web pages.
XHTML: Extensible hypertext markup language is a stricter reformulation of HTML that is compatible with XML.
XSLT: Extensible stylesheet language for transformation is used to transform XML into different outputs for the Web.
Wiki: Derived from the Hawaiian word meaning “quick,” a wiki is a collaborative tool developed for the Internet in 1994 ( Augar, Raitman, & Zhou, 2006 ).
XML: Extensible markup language provides a set of rules, guidelines, and conventions for encoding, structuring, manipulating, and exchanging data.