Online Tutoring and Mentoring

Online Tutoring and Mentoring

Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo, Francisco Jose Garcia Peñalvo
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-885-7.ch147
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Man is the only animal that learns for his whole life. Therefore, learning is one of the most important activities of human beings. Information and communication technologies, and specifically the Internet, brought us new ways to communicate, share information and learn. E-learning has become a modality whose capabilities, advantages and potentials is indisputable, but many of the difficulties inherent to learning activities, far from being sorted out by this new modality, have been increased. Loneliness and de-motivation of elearning users is probably the first cause of failure of online courses.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Online Mentor: Teaching staff that follows a group of students on a part of their learning path, ensures the efficiency of teaching-to-learning process, promotes the achievement of aims and skills predicted for the academic initiative that he leads, by creating a context of collaborative and active learning, and evaluates how pre-established aims were achieved for students and for the academic intervention (quality management).

E-Learning: Net-based learning, online or Web-based learning.

Online Tutor: Teaching staff that follows a group of students on a part of their learning path, ensures the efficiency of teaching-to-learning process, promotes the achievement of aims and skills predicted for the academic initiative that he leads, by creating a context of collaborative and active learning, and evaluates how pre-established aims were achieved for students and for the academic intervention (quality management).

Skills: Abilities.

Quality Management: Management of the whole characteristics of an entity that grant the aptitude to satisfy explicit and implicit needs.

Training of Trainers: Process of learning (or e-learning) especially addressed to future trainers.

Lifelong Learning: Continuous learning, applied to professional skills or vocational competences.

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