Open Collaborative Innovation at Colombia's National Spectrum Agency

Open Collaborative Innovation at Colombia's National Spectrum Agency

María del Pilar Ramirez-Salazar, Carlos Salcedo-Perez, Sara Esperanza Castañeda Valenzuela
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3568-4.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter describes the implementation of the Open Collaborative Innovation Program in Colombia's National Spectrum Agency (from Spanish, ANE). Six universities participated in the program. The model implemented was based on previous models developed by Ramírez-Salazar; Chesbrough; VanGudy; and Davila, Epstein, and Shelton (2008). The objective of the implementation was to propose solutions to reduce the number of complaints related to the illegal use of the spectrum in Colombia. The innovation challenge for universities was to find answers to solve the problem previously mentioned. Three solving teams were formed. Movimiento Espectral was the winning team with its solution called “Clausula de la Cultura.” The model was validated by ANE executives who deemed it adequate to conduct external projects that provide solutions to institutional challenges.
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To design the Open Collaborative Innovation Model at the ANE, in collaboration with six universities from Bogota, to control the use of the spectrum, aimed at reducing the number of complaints about its illegal use.

Key Terms in this Chapter

National Spectrum Agency: It is a Colombian entity that assists the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications in the planning, allocation, surveillance, and control of the radioelectric spectrum in Colombia.

INNpulsa Colombia: It is the entrepreneurship and innovation agency of the National Government, which accompanies the acceleration of high-potential ventures and the innovative and financing processes that allow companies in the country to scale to generate more economic development, equity, and opportunities for all Colombians.

Intelligent Transportation System: A system used in Bogota (Colombia) and defined by the integration of different transportation methods that apply ICTs for monitoring and operating the transportation system in the city.

Open Innovation: It is a model used by firms to intensively use internal and external knowledge for boosting and accelerating their innovation processes to expand markets.

Bogotá Cambalachea: It is a digital web platform with the dynamics of a time bank, whose main objective is to exchange skills, knowledge, and services between citizens.

Cátedra-Bancoldex: Established in Bogota (Colombia) at EAN University, its objective is to design an open, collaborative innovation model for Bancoldex (a Colombian development bank), aimed at finding solutions to Colombian entrepreneurial growth.

PQRSD Database: The database used at ANE to integrate data related to ICTs and the use of it in Colombia.

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