Opportunities for Data Mining and Customer Knowledge Management for Shopping Centres

Opportunities for Data Mining and Customer Knowledge Management for Shopping Centres

Charles Dennis, David Marsland, Tony Cockett
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-933-5.ch164
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Shopping centers are an important part of the UK economy and have been the subject of considerable research. Relying on complex interdependencies between shoppers, retailers and owners, shopping centers are ideal for knowledge management study. Nevertheless, although retailers have been in the forefront of data mining, little has been written on customer knowledge management for shopping centers. In this chapter, the authors aim to demonstrate the possibilities and draw attention to the possible implications of improving customer satisfaction. Aspects of customer knowledge management for shopping centers are considered using analogies drawn from an exploratory questionnaire survey. The objectives of a customer knowledge management system could include increasing rental incomes and bringing new life back into shopping centers and towns.

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