Optimizing Medical Education With Instructional Technology: Technology to Optimize Teaching Human Anatomy

Optimizing Medical Education With Instructional Technology: Technology to Optimize Teaching Human Anatomy

George C. Chang Chien, Armen Haroutunian, Bryant England, Kenneth D. Candido
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6289-4.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Technological advancements and imaging evolution in contemporary medicine continue to change the ways medical education and clinical care are delivered. Historical methods of learning anatomy through human cadaveric dissection may be supplanted by three-dimensional renderings, injection models, and virtual reality simulations. The cost effectiveness of new imaging and study modalities may demonstrate major advantages in the logistics of information delivery, cost containment, and skills development in the current healthcare environment.
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Movement Toward Dynamic Imagining As A Tool To Supplant Gross Dissection

The use of ultrasonography has expanded across different medical specialties over the course of the decade and has a very well-established role in clinical practice, for both diagnostic purposes and for procedural guidance (Fakoya, 2013). Recently, the role of the ultrasound has expanded past clinical use and has made its way to supplementing teaching gross human anatomy dissections in many medical curricula. The real-time and dynamic use appeals to the current generation of students and residents because it is technologically advanced compared to traditional static teaching methods (Brown et al., 2012). Advances in technology with smaller and more portable and compact units increase the accessibility for in-patient and out-patient imaging. Thus, non-invasiveness, lack of ionizing radiation exposure, portability and high resolution have resulted in its increasing use in anesthesiology, emergency medicine, surgery, internal medicine, and obstetrics and gynecology (Fakoya, 2013).

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