Optimizing Water Resources With IoT and ML: A Water Management System

Optimizing Water Resources With IoT and ML: A Water Management System

Rakhi Chauhan, Neera Batra, Sonali Goyal, Amandeep Kaur
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1194-3.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The necessity for effective water management systems has increased recently due to the rising demand for water resources and the negative effects of climate change. This chapter gives a thorough investigation into the installation of a water management system (WMS) using machine learning (ML) and the internet of things (IoT) technologies to address these issues. The proposed WMS makes use of internet of things (IoT)-enabled sensors placed throughout various water infrastructure sites, including reservoirs, water supply networks, and pipelines to gather real-time information on critical variables like weather conditions, water quality, etc. The acquired data is then subjected to sophisticated ML algorithms to optimize water use and distribution. The WMS described in this chapter serves as an example of how ML and IoT have the potential to fundamentally alter current approaches to water management.
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Water is an essential requirement for the sustenance of human life on Earth. The presence of water is essential for the survival of a wide range of biological species. Growing concerns are emerging in relation to water scarcity due to the escalating water use resulting from the expanding human population (Ma.T et al. 2020). In addition to overarching concerns regarding the paucity of freshwater resources for drinking purposes, there is a growing apprehension around the constrained availability of water, specifically in relation to its accessibility for agricultural applications (Rosa, L et.al. 2020, Vallino, E et al. 2020). In order to address the challenges associated with water scarcity, it is crucial to implement a complete water management system. The real-time monitoring of water level and quality is of great significance in the field of water management. The utilization of real-time water level monitoring offers a practical approach to efficiently address the issue of water wastage caused by tank overflow. By implementing a methodical and ongoing process of monitoring water levels at regular intervals throughout the day, the water management system exhibits the capacity to aid in the detection of water leaks within an intelligent residential environment. The establishment of an intelligent water management system holds significant importance in facilitating the advancement of a more intelligent and sustainable global environment. The agricultural and farming industries exhibit a substantial reliance on the cyclical patterns of seasons and the prevailing climatic conditions.

The temperature has a crucial role in the cultivation of several organic crops, vegetables, and pulses. At present, there is a lack of thorough understanding regarding weather forecasting, leading to ranchers relying on projected forecasts to carry out their obligations. However, there are situations in which humans experience disasters as a result of the lack of precision in weather forecasts. The emergence of technical improvements and the accessibility of advanced weather forecasting technologies have enabled ranchers to obtain instantaneous updates on their mobile devices. The indispensability of training in this specific field is indisputable; nonetheless, it is crucial to precisely delineate the particular group of ranchers in the area who will be utilizing the meteorological predictions. Weather forecasting involves the prediction of atmospheric conditions by the analysis of several aspects, including geographical location and temporal variables. The identification of prevailing weather conditions in each zone and technology will empower ranchers to make well-informed judgments and implement suitable measures. The correlation between climatic conditions and agricultural operations has consequently led to a need for accurate weather prediction. The aforementioned requirement stems from the farmers' inclination to make well-informed decisions in order to limit potential risks and prevent unfavorable results. The agricultural productivity of crops is substantially impacted by factors such as temperature, duration of daylight precipitation, ensuring appropriate thermal conditions along with enough hydration and nourishment, holds paramount significance in the context of domesticated animals. The water system pertains to a conceptual framework for the utilization of water resources in terrestrial environments, specifically designed to facilitate the spread and cultivation of agricultural activities. The variability in meteorological patterns exerts a substantial impact on the hydrological system and agricultural output.

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