Overview of Leadership Approaches

Overview of Leadership Approaches

Sajjad Nawaz Khan, Hafiz Mudassir Rehman, Mudaser Javaid
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2807-5.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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Leadership is the backbone of organizational success, and it is evident from the fact that leadership has been researched for more than 50 years. In literature, leadership has been discussed based on different schools of thoughts. This chapter articulates different leadership approaches in order to provide a clear understanding of leadership development with the passage of time. It describes trait approach, behavioral approach, and contingency approach to leadership. Furthermore, it also explains full range leadership model and some emerging leadership styles in the organizational context.
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Is leadership necessary for organizational change? In answering this question, Burke (2008, pp. 227-228) noted that “what has not been clear from the literature is the impact of leadership on organizational change, and there is little evidence that scientifically demonstrates the leader’s impact” (Ford et al., 2008). Many leadership theories have been developed, and each theory explains leadership with a different point of view, like early theories focusing on the trait or inner qualities of a leader. Other approaches are concerned with the skills and abilities, followed by the leader in a particular situation. Later, contemporary theories include the full range leadership model, including the debate about followers and the leader-followers’ relation (Sloan, 2009). This chapter discusses leadership development by explaining three main approaches (trait approach, behavioral approach, and contingency approach). Furthermore, it also highlights the emerging perspective of leadership.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Implicit Leadership Theories: Implicit leadership theories (ILTs) explain what followers think about their leaders (i.e., how followers' cognitive categories or schema affect followers’ perceptions about their leaders).

Constructionist Approaches: These views explain followership as a relational interaction between individuals to co-construct leadership and followership.

Role-Based Approaches: These approaches explain followership as a role played by the individual under a structured organizational hierarchy.

Implicit Followership Theories: Implicit followership theories (IFTs) argued what leaders think about their followers (i.e., how followers’ behaviors and characteristics shaped leader-follower relationships).

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