Phytochemical and Biological Properties of Anticancer Medicinal Plants From India

Phytochemical and Biological Properties of Anticancer Medicinal Plants From India

Babi Lakkoju, Swapna Asuthkar, Gundla Rambabu, Kolli Balakrishna
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1646-7.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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One of the most dreadful medical conditions in the entire world is cancer, which is the second leading cause of mortality globally. The rising threat of cancer that are resistant to treatment highlights the urgent need for the development of more potent anticancer medicines because of the drawbacks and expense of standard therapy. Alternatives to contemporary cancer treatments, like herbal medicine are fairly affordable, and few plant-based medications are used to treat it. In-vitro and in-vivo studies are conducted on the phytochemicals to determine how they work to prevent cancer. This chapter provides an overview of prospective outcomes for anticancer chemicals obtained from plants in the Indian region. Many research has confirmed the anticancer efficiency of the Phytochemicals that are extracted from plants and demonstrated that these have an essential role in battling various cancer cell lines such as breast, stomach, oral, colon, lung, hepatic, cervical, and blood cancer cell lines.
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Cancеr stands as a prominеnt global mеnacе, claiming countlеss livеs. In thе yеar 2020, thе global cancеr statistics paintеd a grim picturе, with a staggеring 19.3 million nеw cancеr casеs and a hеartbrеaking 10 million cancеr-rеlatеd dеaths. Prеdictions for thе futurе arе еqually unsеttling,suggеsting that thе worldwidе cancеr burdеn could skyrockеt by an alarming 47% to rеach 28.4 million casеs by 2040 (Sung et al., 2021). India placed in third position after China and the USA (Ferlay et al., 2018). The ICMR (Indian Council of Mеdical Rеsеarch) and the NCDIR (National Cеntrе for Disеasе Informatics & Rеsеarch) rеlеasе the NCRP (National Cancеr Rеgistry Programmе) Rеport on an annual basis. This rеport aims to providе еstimatеs of thе nеw cancеr casеs and fatalitiеs in India. Using the incidence data gathered, it also gathers the most recent statistics on population-based cancer incidence and outcomes.13.9 lakh new cases of cancer are anticipated in India year 2020. It projects a 12% rise in cancer occurrences nationwide by 2025 (Mathur et al., 2020).

Figure 2.

The projected total number of cancer cases in India in 2022


Satishkumar et al. examined and presented the expected number of cancer cases, anatomical areas,cumulative risk and crude incidence rate for cancer in India for the year 2022 from the NCRP report (Sathishkumar et al., 2023). In India, the anticipated total number of cancer cases and crude incidence rate for 2022 was 14,61,427 (100.4 per 100,000), with more female cases (7,49,251; 105.4 per 100,000) than male cases (7,12,176; 95.6per 100,000).The highest rates of cancer in both men and womenwere seen in the intestinal tract system (2,88,054), respiratory system (1,43,062), vaginal tract(2,18,319), mouth and throat (1,98,438), and breast (2,21,757) (Figure 2).

Cancer has evolved as a prominent condition, accounting for a substantial number of fatalities worldwide on an annual basis (Hanahan, 2022). Acording to GLOBOCAN data,approximately 10 million cancer deaths are expected worldwide in 2020. In that, according to statistics broken down by area, 3.6 million (36.3%) of the world's deaths occurred in Eastern Asia. While. 1.3 million (12.6%) fatalities in South-Central Asia, 1.9 million fatalities in Europe (20%). and with a 7% percentage of cancer fatalities, 2.6 million cases (13.3%) of cancer were recorded in North America (Ferlay et al., 2021; Shakuntala et al., 2022; Sung et al., 2021). There are further worldwide cancer data visualisations presented in another review (Chhikara & Parang, 2023; Sung et al., 2021). The National Cancer Registry Programme of the ICMR estimates that 7,70,230 people died from cancer in India in 2020, with those numbers increasing to 7,89,202 in 2021 and 8,08,558 in 2022 (Nath et al., 2022).

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