Policy Modeling Methodologies

Policy Modeling Methodologies

Dirk Burkhardt, Kawa Nazemi, Jörn Kohlhammer
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8358-7.ch023
(Individual Chapters)
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The process to develop sustainable public policies is done by public authorities ensuring the involvement of all stakeholders. ICT is rarely included in most of the today's applied policymaking processes. Other process definitions with a focus on ICT inclusion in policy modeling still exist, but they are not well defined. This chapter gives an overview of the existing policy modeling process types and explains their major foci and how they consider ICT and the practical process in public authorities. Afterwards, based on these descriptions, the general requirements on a new ICT-oriented policy modeling process that allows the inclusion of ICT into a valid and useful process for public authorities is given.
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Overview About Policy Modeling

In the following sections we majorly focus on policy modeling. Estrada (2011) defines policy modeling as “an academic or empirical research work, that is supported by the use of different theories as well as quantitative or qualitative models and techniques, to analytically evaluate the past (causes) and future (effects) of any policy on society, anywhere and anytime.” So the major focus lays on the policy and the causes and effects on the society. The creation of policies consists of a huge number of tasks and involved stakeholders. To bring them in an efficient and effective order, the policy modeling can be seen as a process, where it is defined what actor has what task at a certain time. This arrangement of task and stakeholders regarding the development of policies is commonly named as policy modeling process. We use the terms policy modeling policy creation synonymously.

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