Presentation of a Social Responsibility Project on Social Media and MOOCs Within the Scope of Scientific Communication: Basic Health Knowledge, First Aid, and Coronavirus Example

Presentation of a Social Responsibility Project on Social Media and MOOCs Within the Scope of Scientific Communication: Basic Health Knowledge, First Aid, and Coronavirus Example

Gökhan Kuş
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4534-8.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The learning activities of individuals are not only limited to school, but they also continue learning in all areas of life. One of the most effective ways of achieving this in the evolving socio-cultural and technological environment is the social media environment. The authors addressed the issues separately for the deficiencies identified in the study. They offered the trainings they have done in various platforms.
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Social Responsibility Projects

The term “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) has been commonly used since the 1970s. This concept has spread all over the world especially through various activities carried out by internationally or globally recognized corporations.

Social responsibility, which is about the behavior of the business towards its social circle and individuals, has a philosophy of giving back what it has received from the society and upholding the benefits of the society in its activities. The corporate social responsibility understanding has an important place for business in promoting the products and services they produce to the market in the best possible way and strengthening their brand image (Aktan and Börü, 2007). There is an increasing tendency to buy the products and services provided by companies which make this understanding an essential part of their activities and thus improve their brand image (Özdemir Çakır, 2009).

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