Professors of Innovative Implementations in Sliding Mode Digital Technology for Enhancing Student Competence

Professors of Innovative Implementations in Sliding Mode Digital Technology for Enhancing Student Competence

Vardan Mkrttchian, Irina Potapova
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3485-3.ch010
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Тhe aim of our research is the development of portrait office administrator of the educational process on the basis of competence approach for Students and Professors of Innovative Implementations in Sliding Mode Digital Technology. By competence we mean the unity of knowledge, skills, and professional experience of the behavior of employees, allowing them to successfully perform the job tasks. The competence is of the activity, the specifics of the situation. Describing the competence, we fix the requirements for professionalism of the person at a particular workplace. To create a competency model, you can buy competencies guide, select it from the appropriate competencies and evaluation criteria, and then adapt them to your organization's needs. A composed portrait position is useful for the selection of candidates and employees of conformity assessment specific position requirements.
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The Sliding Mode Control finds quite a wide application in all spheres of technics and technology, in some scientific research, in the humanities, education and some other non-technical areas. First of all, it is related to relay systems which, due to their simplicity, are used as numerous regulators with dual-mode control (“off/on”). Development of the theory of relay systems in the 1940-s – 1950-s is manly connected with the appearance of the relay-type control actuator (I. Flugge-Lotz, 1953) and vibration voltage control instruments. Later years saw the publication of a number of works on relay systems theory, offering various approaches to analyzing periodic motion and its sustainability: frequency methods (Y. Tsypkin, 1969, J. Hamel et. al., 1993), matrix method (P. Bromberg), method using z-transformation (E. Jury), method of analysis in statespace (Mansour et al., 1984), method of finite-difference operators (G. Pospelov, 1986). There were also worked out methods of relay systems synthesis – synthesis in statespace. Moreover, analysis and projecting of relay systems widely use approximate method of harmonic linearization (Е. Popov). In the 1960-s – 1970-s the concept of discontinuous control came to be associated not only with relay systems, but with the newly-emerged systems with variable structures, and also with sliding modes whose existence is possible in relay systems аs well as in systems with variable structures (B. Petrov, S. Emelyanov, V. Utkin (Petrov et al., 1966)).

Despite the simplicity of action principle (especially of relay systems), dynamics of discontinuous control systems is much more complicated than that of linear systems. The systems with discontinuous control allow of such effects as self-oscillations, several equilibrium positions, sliding modes and chaos. Therefore, there exist a few various theories reflecting different theoretical or practical aspects of analysis and synthesis of such systems. Meanwhile, it should be noted that research and publications give less attention is given to the problem of analysis and synthesis of such systems considering their reactions to outer control and disturbing input than to the problem of autonomous movement analysis. This is especially true for the theory of sliding mode systems. The overwhelming majority of publications on this theme (with some exceptions based on the approaches different from the present work) cover only the so-called ideal sliding modes realized as control switching with the infinitely high frequency and off-line operations. With the use of methods oriented to ideal sliding modes (if the surface of the switching is formed considering all components of state vector), the analysis of the system as a tracking one proves impossible as the tracking in the above system has ideal accuracy. At the same time, it is common knowledge that in practice the accuracy of the systems is not ideal. Thus, construction of the model considering the reasons for this inaccuracy and the corresponding methods of synthesis and analysis is very important for the practice of designing such systems.

Appearance of the theory of the so-called sliding modes of high and, particularly, second-order (A. Levant, I. Castellanos, L. Fridman, I. Boiko (Boiko et al., 2006; Boiko & Fridman, 2006), the theory which has been progressing in the last decade, poses new research problems in terms of developing frequency methods of synthesis and analysis as well as in applications of this theory. Offered as means of eliminating high-frequency vibrations proper to regular sliding modes, the developed algorithms of high-order (particularly, second-order) sliding modes realization posed new questions: if they really help to eliminate high-frequency vibrations and if they offer advantages over regular sliding modes in terms of mean motion dynamics.

Rather scattered and unstable situation is characteristic of Sliding Mode in non-engineering spheres. Though, since 2011 research and technical community has been demonstrating interest for Sliding Mode application in these spheres, particularly, in education, in research and in some other area of the humanities (V. Mkrttchian, 2013).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Student Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent student in an online environment.

Triple H-AVATAR Technology: The technology of modeling and simulation based on known technology of Avatar used in the HHH University since 2010.

Determination of Equivalent Control: The system motion along the sliding surface can be interpreted as an average of the system’s dynamics on both sides of the sliding surface.

Discontinuous Control: It this brings the discontinuity to the control, and the whole nonlinear system.

Chattering: It is results in chattering, an undesirable phenomenon of applying SMC, where high frequency switching is applied to the system during the sliding phase.

Studying and Training in Joint Activities: Organizational aspects for training.

Moderator Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent moderator in an online environment.

Pedagogical and Engineering Features: Effective application in education is not technological and managerial challenges of modern education, since its solution involves regulation of relations between all subsystems and elements of the educational system.

Feedback Control: Control System in DE.

Teacher Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent moderator in an online environment.

Functional Modeling Software Platform: A specification software designed to be used modeling of the risk management process of Enterprise Resource Planning on lab Multi-Cloud Platform has allowed us to solve the problem of compliance, as well as to identify modern and future issues, concepts, trends and solutions IS&T throughout the software life cycle.

Indicator of Sliding Mode: The software for control virtual research space, maintain it sliding mode.

Education Technology: Technical, biological and engineering systems for Education whose components are combined, controlled and generated using the aligned single processing core. All the components at all levels of interaction are combined in the network infrastructure. All components include built-in calculators, providing data processing in real-time.

Sliding Mode Control (SMC): Control algorithm for adjustment of learning tasks.

Distance Education Expert (DEE): High level specialist in DE.

Researcher Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent researcher in an online environment.

Learning Goals and Objectives: Joint pedagogical aspects.

Online Multi-Cloud Platform Lab: Laboratory on the Internet, which is available on the multi cloud platform and intended for research, training and development of forecasting.

Online and Blended Learning of Adults: Learners are adults, and training is carried out continuously throughout life. The purpose of adult education is closely associated with certain socio-psychological, occupational, household, personal problems, or factors or conditions with sufficiently clear ideas about further application of acquired knowledge, skills and qualities.

Didactic Method: A teaching method that follows a consistent scientific approach or educational style to engage the student’s mind.

Learning Environment: Combination of various educational technologies (including at least one communication module).

Virtual Assistant: Special soft program creating in HHH University for training.

Information System: A system composed of people and computers that processes or interprets information.

Second – Order Sliding Mode (SOSM): Order reduction phenomenon was reviewed above and partial dynamic collapse is the reduction of order for the compensated dynamics of the SMC of the system.

Construction of Equivalent Control Action: is the system motion along the sliding surface can be interpreted as an average of the system’s dynamics on both sides of the sliding surface.

Virtual Research Environment: The space where with the help of virtual reality creates a special environment for research.

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