Promoting Fairness and Ethical Practices in AI-Based Performance Management Systems: A Comprehensive Literature Review of Bias Mitigation and Transparency

Promoting Fairness and Ethical Practices in AI-Based Performance Management Systems: A Comprehensive Literature Review of Bias Mitigation and Transparency

M. Monica, Suhas Patel, G. Ramanaiah, Sendhil Kumar Manoharan, Taufiq Hail Ghilan
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5380-6.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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AI-based performance management in HR offers significant benefits by providing continuous, data-driven evaluations and reducing human bias. However, this shift raises concerns about privacy, fairness, and transparency, highlighting the need for a robust ethical framework. This study conducts a thorough literature review to analyze the ethical challenges of AI-based performance management systems and identify bias mitigation strategies in HR. The results emphasize the importance of a proactive approach and continuous evaluation to reduce bias and ensure fairness and transparency. By addressing these ethical challenges, organizations can create a more objective and effective performance management process that drives success.
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