Prospects for the Implementation of Practice-Based Learning for Students of Managerial Profile

Prospects for the Implementation of Practice-Based Learning for Students of Managerial Profile

Liudmyla Ilich, Igor Yakovenko, Olena Akilina, Alla Panchenko, Marzena Sobczak-Michalowska
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1886-7.ch009
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The purpose of the study is to highlight the theoretical and practical aspects of implementing practice-oriented training of management students and to develop a descriptive model of internship based on innovative approaches. The study highlights the theoretical and applied aspects of the practice-based education implementation for management specialists. Achieving the study goal contributed to the use of several methods of scientific knowledge, in particular theoretical (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction), empirical methods (observation, questionnaires, surveys), the method of experimental work, as well as tabular and graphical methods. The basic parameters of the practice-based education model were substantiated and determined. They provide the student`s participation in educational and professional internship, performing official duties during one academic year. The main components inherent in the practice-based education model that distinguish it from the traditional process of practice within the framework of the generally accepted educational model were analyzed.
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Literature Review

The term Practice-Based Education (PBE) concerning higher educational establishments is used in the study by Sheehan and Higgs (2013); it means preparing alumni for fulfillment practical tasks, challenges, goals which are relevant to the sphere of their professional activity. Practice-Based Education is actualized according to the educational program which sets goals, strategies, criteria of estimation interaction and preparation for practice. This form of education combines three kinds of trainings: local (social), training through experience (at a workplace) and professional training.

The work by a group of scholars (Higgs et al. 2012) is grounded on collective vision, research, knowledge and experience of profound scientists in the sphere of professional education and training. Their study represents different viewpoints and critical assessment of this important trend in higher education, alongside with consideration the strategy of implementing the demanding and motivational way of education, teaching, and developing educational programs.

In medical and pharmaceutical education and training as well as in those concerning pedagogy, practice-based education has long been used. Among the relevant works should be mentioned those of Ilich (2017), Chuenjitwongsa, Oliver, and Bullock (2018), Epsteinand, and Hundert (2002), Edelbring, Dahlgren, and WieglebEdström (2018), Conroy, Hulme, and Menter (2013), Greenberg, Putman, and Walsh (2014).

Project-based education model was proposed by the scholar Morgan (1983). Project-based way was identified as “…an activity in which students develop understanding of topic through involvement in actual problem or issue and notes models of project work whereas they bear a responsibility for arrangement of the whole educational process”. The idea was supported by other scholars, Cardona, Velez, and Tobon (2016), in particular, who proved that model of practice-based education grounded on project-based platform promoted education efficiency with the use of application sociological survey and correlation analysis methods.

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