Protocol-Level Service Composition Mismatches: A Petri Net Siphon Based Solution

Protocol-Level Service Composition Mismatches: A Petri Net Siphon Based Solution

PengCheng Xiong, Calton Pu, MengChu Zhou
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1942-5.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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Protocol-level mismatch is one of the most important problems in service composition. The state-of-the-art method to deal with protocol mismatch is to generate adaptors to check deadlock-freeness based on a reachability graph. When this property is violated, the generation process will repeat itself until no deadlock state is found; however, the main drawback of this method is that it does not take into account the future deadlock state and requires many interactions with a developer. In this regard, it suffers from low efficiency. In this paper, the authors model multiple web service interaction with a Petri net called Composition net (C-net). The protocol-level mismatch problem is transformed into the empty siphon problem of a C-net. The authors take future deadlock states into consideration through this model, while finding the optimal solution that involves fewest interactions with a developer. The proposed method is proved to achieve higher efficiency for resolving protocol-level mismatch issues than traditional ones.
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In web service composition, when multiple web services are developed by different groups or vendors, they often fail to invoke each other because of mismatches. Service composition mismatches can be divided into interface and protocol-level ones (Nezhad, 2007). Table 1 gives a detailed taxonomy of already known service composition mismatches.

Table 1.
Taxonomy of service composition mismatches
Service composition mismatchesInterface mismatchesmessage signature mismatches
message split/merge mismatches
message missing/extra mismatches
Protocol level mismatchesunspecified reception
mutual waiting mismatches
non-local choice mismatches

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