The Psychosocial Impact of ICT Efficiency on Speech Disorders-Treatment

The Psychosocial Impact of ICT Efficiency on Speech Disorders-Treatment

Iolanda Tobolcea
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3986-7.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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ICT is an important aspect in the field of education, and it involves redefining the role of instructors within the educational context. The aim of this chapter is to capture the psychosocial impact among specialists (instructors/speech therapists) and parents regarding the use and efficiency of ICT in the treatment of language disorders. To this purpose, the authors organized their research into two stages: (1) the construction of a questionnaire that outlines the psychosocial impact of ICT use and ICT efficiency in the therapy of language disorders among specialists (instructors and speech therapists) and parents; (2) the research stage itself, used to capture the specificity of each sample of subjects concerning the object of research. Both the professionals and the parents recognize the benefits of using computer technology as a means for stimulating the children’s interest, motivation, and involvement in educational activities, but also as didactic methods that facilitate teaching and strengthen the children’s newly acquired knowledge.
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Elaboration Of A Questionnaire With Open Questions To Highlight The Psychosocial Impact Of Using Multimedia Techniques In The Treatment Of Speech Disorders

In elaborating the questionnaire with provided options, a pre-screening was carried out on a sample of 100 subjects, final year students at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Psychology and Special Education. The questionnaire was developed following extensive discussions conducted by a group of experts, academics and persons with speech disorders. The final questionnaire comprises 8 questions with open answers, trying to cover the broader issue concerning the psychosocial impact of the use and efficiency of computer technology, from the professionals and the parents’ point of view. The items considered for pre-screening are given later. In interpreting the answers obtained in the pre-screening phase, we used the categorical and the thematic content analysis.

For the question “What multimedia means can be used in the treatment of language disorders?” it can be noticed (Figure 1) that among traditional tools (voice recorder, tape recorder), modern multimedia tools were also present: software and PC, overhead projector and even home cinema. Also, by analyzing the answers obtained for the next item (“What are the benefits or advantages offered by ICT in correcting language disorders?”), the following advantages of modern technology in speech disorders treatment were identified: diversification of activities within the therapy program, enhancement and preservation of the child’s interest in activities, increased involvement of the child in activities, new therapeutic procedures, familiarization with individual activities or activities supervised by an adult, individual study for strengthening the progress made during the therapy sessions and the possibility to practise and receive feedback outside the speech therapy sessions.

Figure 1.

Multimedia tools used in speech disorders treatment


Key Terms in this Chapter

Audio-Visual: All the mass communication and information means based on audio and visual perception.

Multimedia: Usually the term of multimedia is used in the sense ongoing program of moving pictures and associated audio.

Education: Set of measures applied in a systematic way in order to train and develop the intellectual, moral and physical characteristics of children.

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies): ITC covers three major areas: telecommunication, radio and TV broadcasting, the Internet.

Speech Disorders: A disorder that affects the ability to speak normally. Disorders may affect speech articulation, pronunciation of various sounds, speech fluency and rhythm (stuttering) and/or voice (tone, volume, speed, nasal pronunciation), etc.

Computer: Microcomputer for processing and visualizing the information taken from a number of external devices, specific to utility, education, or entertainment applications, etc.

Therapy: All the methods and procedures used to treat a disease.

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