A Qualitative Study in User's Information-Seeking Behaviors on Web Sites: A User-Centered Approach to Web Site Development

A Qualitative Study in User's Information-Seeking Behaviors on Web Sites: A User-Centered Approach to Web Site Development

Napawan Sawasdichai
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-87828-991-9.ch053
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter introduces a qualitative study of user’s information-seeking tasks on Web-based media, by investigating user’s cognitive behaviors when they are searching for particular information on various kinds of Web sites. The experiment, which is a major part of the recently completed doctoral research at the Institute of Design-IIT, particularly studies cognitive factors including user goals and modes of searching in order to investigate if these factors significantly affect users’ information-seeking behaviors. The main objective is to identify the corresponding impact of these factors on their needs and behaviors in relation to Web site design. By taking a userbased qualitative approach, the author hopes that this study will open the door to a careful consideration of actual user needs and behaviors in relation to information-seeking tasks on Web-based media. The results may compliment the uses of existing quantitative studies by supplying a deeper user understanding and a new qualitative approach to analyze and improve the design of information on Web sites.

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