Quality Assurance Within Synchronous Sessions of Online Instruction

Quality Assurance Within Synchronous Sessions of Online Instruction

William Alan Kerns
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7567-2.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter addresses strategies for using the operation mechanisms of a quality assurance framework to guide the design and implementation of synchronous sessions of online instruction within a teacher education program. Quality assurance provides a foundation for systematic diagnosis, decision making, and action that results in continuous improvement of online instruction. Open systems theory in quality assurance informs this chapter. Additionally, this chapter draws on an ecological approach to the understanding of interaction that takes places in quality assurance frameworks. The chapter is organized into three parts that together address key strategies toward fostering a community of learners in synchronous sessions of online instruction while addressing quality assurance: 1) the importance of quality assurance; 2) how an educator preparation program can be enhanced through synchronous learning and quality assurance; and finally, 3) how an educator preparation program can ensure that synchronous learning and quality assurance initiatives are effective.
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Quality Assurance And Synchrounous Online Instruction

Synchronous online instruction enables collaborative learning within makeshift virtual classrooms through live dialogue between faculty and students. A platform that enables web conferencing, video streaming, instantaneous sharing of documents, one-on-one dialogue, and real-time participation in group activities (Giebers et al., 2014; Koh & Lim, 2012) allows synchronous online instruction to become interactive (Jahn et al., 2012) and engaging (Dixson, 2010). In many classes, instructors blend synchronous online instruction into courses that include face-to-face classroom instruction or asynchronous online instruction in which students can work on an assignment at any time (Watts, 2016; Yamagata-Lynch, 2014).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Total Quality Management: A concept from business management that emphasizes the importance of examining the holistic processes of an organization. The total quality management movement is an effort to expand quality assurance beyond the areas of product quality and quality in the process of manufacturing a product. Total quality management involves the establishment of a quality assurance mechanisms related to additional areas of operation including management and customer service.

Learning Ecology: The physical space or the virtual space in which there is an opportunity for learning.

Quality Control: Processes that enable the examination of whether preventative action or corrective action is needed in order to maintain product quality.

Quality Assurance: A process that enables an organization to track and control whether product quality goals are met. Accountability and transparency typically are stressed.

Fitness of Purpose: A concept within quality assurance that stresses the importance of activities of an organization being in alignment with the needs and desires of customers and stakeholders.

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