Quality of Experience for Video Services

Quality of Experience for Video Services

Marcio Nieblas Zapater, Graça Bressan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-820-8.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter discusses the quality assurance of multimedia services over IP networks from the end user standpoint and introduces the concept of quality of experience (QoE). The discussion of quality assurance includes aspects that range from the network and application layers to the end user perspective. The focus of the discussion presented in this chapter is oriented to the video services delivery that can be considered a significant evolution of services providers’ portfolio. This chapter presents quality requirements for video and TV services and performance measures that focuses on the quality perceived by the end user. This approach is broader than that oriented to quality of service (QoS), which focuses on the performance measures from the network perspective. QoE takes into account how well a service meet customers goals and expectations rather than focusing only on the network performance.
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Quality Of Service (Qos) And Quality Of Experience (Qoe)

The term quality of service (QoS) is broadly used today and it is commonly associated to broadband, wireless, and multimedia services that are IP-based. Networks and systems are gradually being designed in consideration of end-to-end performance required by user applications.

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