The Realisation of Online Music Services through Intelligent Computing

The Realisation of Online Music Services through Intelligent Computing

Panagiotis Zervas, Chrisoula Alexandraki
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2833-5.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter presents an extensive, although non-exhaustive, study on existing Online Music Services (OMSs), which aims at identifying two principal characteristics: (1) the functionalities and interaction capabilities offered to their end-users; and (2) the tools of computational intelligence employed so as to enable these functionalities. The study is predominantly motivated by the ever-growing impact of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) research on the music industry, as new approaches for knowledge acquisition are rapidly integrated in existing online services targeting music consumers, musicians, as well as the music industry. Since MIR is inherently addressing user needs in music aggregation and distribution, the first part of the chapter is dedicated to illustrating user functionalities and accordingly classifying existing OMSs. The second part of the chapter focuses on musical semantics, different methods for harvesting them, and approaches for exploiting them in existing OMSs. Finally, the chapter attempts to foresee functionalities of future OMSs enabled by forthcoming MIR achievements.
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Nowadays, there is a vast availability of music services offering the possibility to listen to music, retrieve relevant information, share, annotate and collaboratively interact with music material. In fact, it seems like every month or so an additional Web-based music service appears. It is even more astonishing to observe how quickly new music services are becoming popular and known for widespread usage. Therefore, it is important to examine the sequence of events and technological advancements that has lead to the profound explosion of OMSs. Fundamental reasons contributing to this explosion concern the proliferation of the Internet and the ever increasing availability of high-speed Internet access for consumers, the advancement of audio codecs offering high compression ratios without significantly degrading the perceived sound quality, as well as the availability of affordable storage equipment and the widespread adoption of mobile and ubiquitous devices by consumers.

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