Relating Cognitive Problem-Solving Style to User Resistance

Relating Cognitive Problem-Solving Style to User Resistance

Michael Mullany, Peter Lay
Copyright: © 2003 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-043-1.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This study investigated the relationships between user resistance to new information systems and the differences in cognitive problem-solving styles between systems developers (analysts) and users. In addition, associations were tested between user resistance and the following: system accuracy, system reliability, the analyst’s attitude, the analyst-user relationship, analyst-user dissonance, the user’s age and the user’s length of service with his current employer. A significant positive association between user resistance and analyst-user cognitive style difference was found. A model was then developed which enables the estimation of user resistance prior to system development with the aid of the Kirton Adaptive/Innovative Inventory (an instrument which measures cognitive style). Significant negative associations were found to exist between user resistance and system accuracy, and user resistance and system reliability. No relationships between user resistance and either user age or user length of service were found.

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