Renewable Energy Sources for a Sustainable Worldwide Prospective: Forecasting Future Multi-Sector Sustainable Regulations

Renewable Energy Sources for a Sustainable Worldwide Prospective: Forecasting Future Multi-Sector Sustainable Regulations

Shweta Katre, Jayasri Kotti, Namra Joshi, Nagorao Pawar, Sabyasachi Pramanik, Ankur Gupta
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3200-9.ch004
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First of all, concerns about climate change and environmental damage, coupled with the depletion of fossil fuels, are driving global shifts towards renewable energy sources. Two especially notable and widely adopted alternatives that have the potential to change our energy landscape and mitigate the effects of global warming are wind and solar energy. As a sustainable resource, wind energy has evolved from simple windmills to intricate, high-tech wind turbines. It includes wind farms that are both onshore and offshore and is characterized by scalability, versatility, and capacity to use natural forces. Although there are challenges in incorporating wind energy into the present energy infrastructure, innovative solutions are emerging swiftly. The majority of solar energy is generated utilizing solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies. Solar energy is an abundant and clean energy source. CSP methods focus sunlight to produce electricity and heat energy, whereas solar PV systems are very flexible and suitable for distributed production.
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