Research in Cyprus

Research in Cyprus

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9973-9.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter presents data gathered by a Cyprus-related survey that was conducted by the authors with the aid of many professional Cypriot journalists. The survey was conducted between 6th of September and 13th of November 2012 and managed to gather 62 responses. The participants came from a different social and educational background as they were gathered thanks to online media coverage. The authors present statistical graphics in order to visualise the quantitative data. Additionally, statistical analysis is being conducted (using one by one variable analysis) in order to identify trends and associations between different groups in the same country.
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Cypriot Internet Users And Internet Regulation Policies

Below, the authors include a series of related inquiries regarding their research topic.

Figure 1.

Are you aware of the global phenomenon of Internet regulation? (Cyprus Survey)


A question of major significance was “Are you aware of the global phenomenon of Internet regulation?,” to which most of the respondents stated that they know the basics (29 percent), 17.7 percent that they are well-informed. Only 27.4 percent stated they just heard about it, and another 25.8 percent that they do not know anything.

Figure 2.

What were the means of your information? (Cyprus Survey)


Regarding the means of their information, it is worth mentioning that 76.5 percent read about it online, 27.5 percent via television broadcasts, 25.5 percent through “Newspapers,” and 25.5 “by word of mouth.”

Figure 3.

Who was the source of your information? (Cyprus Survey)


Concerning the source of information, 75 percent of the respondents stated mass media, 35.4 percent “Researchers and scientists,” 16.7 percent “Individuals,” and only 2.1 percent that they were informed thanks to “Government statements.”

Figure 4.

Have you ever faced online censorship in the past? (Cyprus Survey)


Another interesting question was “Have you ever faced online censorship in the past?.” 11.7 percent stated “Yes, at least once,” 60 percent “No,” and 28.3 percent “I do not know.”

Figure 5.

Were you using the Internet from Cyprus? (Cyprus Survey)


From those who answered “Yes, at least once” to the previous question, 20.8 percent stated that they were using the Internet in Cyprus and they were trying to visit a foreign website, 12.5 percent stated that they were connecting to the Internet from a foreign country and they were trying to visit a foreign website, while many of the respondents (66.7 percent) stated “I do not know.”

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