Research Project's Solution of Communicative-Cognitive Problem-Based Tasks of Flexible Foreign Language Reading: Interrelation of Flexible Foreign Language Reading With Writing, Speaking, and Listening

Research Project's Solution of Communicative-Cognitive Problem-Based Tasks of Flexible Foreign Language Reading: Interrelation of Flexible Foreign Language Reading With Writing, Speaking, and Listening

Tamara Sergeevna Serova, Elena Leonidovna Pipchenko
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3266-9.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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The points of techniques of students' communicative-cognitive problem-based tasks solution concerning foreign language flexible reading interrelated with writing, speaking, and listening have been considered; methodological aspects of the research were revealed; problems of organization of speech communication aimed at exchange of new information were outlined. The chapter describes four stages of work aimed at solution of the problem-based tasks and mentions active work of students with numerous texts, their fragments in relation to the extraction, conceptualization and comprehension of information on the basis of the six steps algorithm. The character of every step giving the examples of the achieved goals-results are disclosed. On the basis of the research, the authors have concluded that flexible reading allows students to extract information and create their own oral and written texts; the technology of training is the efficient method of formation of the key notions by means of lexical instrument.
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The urgent task of the National Research Polytechnic University teachers is training students to read professionally-oriented foreign texts with the aim to extract necessary information in order to create speech products for education and research, for example: essays, reports for the scientific conferences, articles, theses, texts of communication in discussion, playable situations.

The necessity of this task solution is reflected in the general educational program of training bachelors, specialists and masters in different directions.

The process of extracting up-to-date, meaningful information from foreign texts is impossible without conceptualization and comprehension of their semantic content. The information of educational macro texts and their fragments becomes the object of conceptualization and comprehension in the process of professionally oriented reading. In theory and practice of education different techniques are considered (Serova, 2018) revealing of senses of these texts as elementary informational units involving revealing and alignment of topic and comment unities logical line, construction of the structure of topic and comment development of the text fragments meaning content as well as denotative information-oriented analysis aimed at the text denotations’ identification and extraction (Coyle 2007; Kern, 1989; Novikov & Nesterova 1991; Serova & Naugolnykh, 2018; Zhinkin, 2009).

The studied and systematized characteristics and functions of professionally-oriented reading (Serova, 2013) gave grounds for dividing reading into the aspects and sub aspects where the most important function of reading is, first of all, the function of reference, i.e. the text assignment to the definite reality. So, it has been identified the general aspects of referential reading: oriented-referential, search-referential, and generalizing-referential.

Referential reading is the keywords and word combinations reading. It allows quick orientation in the texts, finding and generalizing the necessary information as the address is directed only to the references, the general concepts, but not to the whole text in accordance with its construction. Exactly due to this reason the rate of such reading could be very high and at the top the level of understanding a student sees the transfer from one sub-theme to another as well as the total amount of sub-themes which the author reveals in order to develop the main idea.

Informative reading as the second aspect of it provides for the satisfaction of professional information needs. In the process of such reading important and necessary information can be a) evaluated, b) assumed and used, c) created again by the student or specialist. This kind of reading has also three sub-aspects: evaluative-informative, assuming-informative and creating-informative (Pipchenko & Serova, 2016, p.101).

Flexible professionally oriented reading of foreign texts (FPOR) as an optimal kind of professionally-oriented reading (Pipchenko & Serova, 2016; Serova & Raskopina, 2009) is the dynamic interaction of referential and informative reading. The aim of FPOR is to teach students the strategies of professionally-oriented reading of foreign texts in different situations of information professional problems solution, its efficient application as a form of written communication and formation of skills to extract necessary information with comprehension of the general meaning of the text.

Mastering FPOR by the technical university students is a necessary condition for their success in study and research. Training engineers who are able to find, learn, analyze, assess, generalize and systematize scientific-technological information is directly connected with the formation and development of their given skills.

Teaching students from the oil and gas department flexible professionally-oriented reading of foreign texts has been organized by communicative-cognitive problem tasks in research projects and is based on the systemic relations of reading, research and students’ project activities which arise and function using the common information, common problem and united goal-task and goal-result.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Problem: Is the subject’s recognition of impossibility to solve the difficulties and contradictions appearing in the process of informative reading goal-task and goal-result achievement by means of the existed knowledge, information and speech experience.

Flexible Foreign Language Reading: Is a dynamic cooperation of sub aspects of referential and informative reading expressed in their fluent change and combination, provided by individual and collective goal-task and goal-result.

Informative Reading: As the second aspect of flexible foreign language reading which provides for the satisfaction of professional information needs. In the process of such reading important and necessary information can be a) evaluated, b) assumed and used, c) created again by the student or specialist.

Communicative Cognitive Problem Task: Is the goal determined in particular conditions and the way of the signed presentation of task by one man to another (or to oneself) including the indication to the goal and conditions of its achievement.

Technique of Projects: Is the interactive technology of training/teaching as the special form of organization of communicative-cognitive intellectual problem-based activity having the common goal, pragmatic orientation to the result in conditions of subject-subjective interaction and equal partner cooperation in the educational and IT environment.

Dialogical Speech Communication: Is the process of subject communication in the conditions of a ?ommunicative-cognitive situation aimed at exchange of information on emotive-empathic, organizational-regulative, interactive levels.

Referential Reading: Is the reading by the keywords and word combinations. It allows quick orientation in the texts, finding and generalizing the necessary information as the address is directed only to the references, the general concepts, but not to the whole text in accordance with its construction.

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