Resistance of Cell in Fractal Growth in Electrodeposition

Resistance of Cell in Fractal Growth in Electrodeposition

Y. H. Shaikh, A. R. Khan, K. B. Patange, J. M. Pathan, S. H. Behere
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3890-7.ch001
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This paper presents the study of dynamic electrical resistance of the electrodeposition cell during the growth metallic dendrites showing fractal character. The electric resistance of the circular electrodeposition cell is measured in real time using a computer based data acquisition system. The data acquisition system constructed is capable of measuring the cell voltage and the current through the cell under program control at pre-decided intervals. This allows for the measurement of the dynamic electrical resistance of the electrodeposition cell. The system is based on standard analogue to digital controller ADC interfaced to the computer through the printer port.
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1.1 Introduction

Fractal pattern formation (Yaroslavsky, 2007) is one of the important phenomena in nature. One of the commonly used techniques for the growth of metallic dendritic patterns showing fractal character is elctrodeposition (Atchison, Burford, & Hibbert, 1994). Patterns developed as a result of Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) (Cronemberger & Sampaio, 2006; Chakrabarty et al., 2009; Hibbert, 1991) are often found in various processes in physical sciences, chemical sciences, and engineering.

The electro-depositions obtained in circular cell (Vicsek, 1992; Costa, Sagues, & Vilarrasa, 1991) geometry under constant cell operating voltage conditions indicate that the growth at the outer part of the depositions is relatively denser (Shaikh, Khan, Pathan, Patil, & Behere, 2009). The increased branching at the later stage of development of the growth was attributed to the increased electric field (Argoul, Huth, Merzeau, Arnrodo, & Swinney, 1993; Fleury, Chazalviel, Rosso, & Sapoval, 1990) due to the reduction in gap between cathode and anode. This change is gradual and continues with the growth and with the evolution of the growth the electrical properties of the cell undergo changes. This motivated us to measure the dynamic electrical resistance of the electrodeposition cell as this will help better understanding of the mechanism.

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