Results and General Evaluation

Results and General Evaluation

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5996-9.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter distinguishes between analytical and synthetic propositions in social sciences, focusing on their roles in knowledge production and empirical validation. Analytical propositions, such as “Privatization is an economic policy,” are true by definition and need no empirical verification. In contrast, synthetic propositions, like “Privatization fosters capital accumulation,” require empirical evidence to validate. The chapter also discusses the holistic integration of phenomena within broader frameworks, emphasizing their interconnected, context-dependent nature. Concepts evolve over time and across different contexts due to subjective interpretations, challenging uniform application. Theoretical foundations in surplus-value formation and economic crises are explored, showing how capital accumulation fluctuations influence public sector strategies. Shifts from public ownership to privatization reflect changing alignments with dominant capital factions, illustrating cyclical transformations in public policy under varying economic conditions.
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