Risk Based Thinking and Contingency Modeling in Leadership and Administration for Quality Management in Higher Education

Risk Based Thinking and Contingency Modeling in Leadership and Administration for Quality Management in Higher Education

Jasmine K.S.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3438-0.ch020
(Individual Chapters)
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Risk based thinking is the core aspect to avoid or reduce the undesired effects and promote continual improvement for any organization, especially in the field of higher education. Preventive action becomes an automatic process when a management system is risk-based. The contingency approach to management will make fruitful results once it is considered as more explicit and builds it into strategic plan of the management system with upfront planning with the help of business models. In the strategic plan of any organization, leadership and administration plays an important role. By identifying the context related risks, leaders can analyze the opportunities in terms of impact and feasibility and plan towards prioritizing the risks to act on. In this direction, the need for a business model which focuses on efficient process-based approach towards risk prioritization, thereby prevention and avoidance is proposed, which demonstrates management their leadership, and commitment to the quality management of higher education.
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Types Of Risks And Analysis Of Risks In Higher Education

There are many risks associated with quality of higher education. Classifying them into various categories such as risks associated with leadership skill of management and administration, human resources, infrastructure, academic affairs, financial etc. can give specific focus on each of them effectively.

The following are the risk factors can be addressed in each of the above category.

Leadership Skill of Management and Administration

Good management is essential to provide efficient and sustainable services to the public in an appropriate way provided if it can have synchronized management of key resources for service provision such as human resources, infrastructure, academic matters, finances etc together at the point of service delivery. This can also be augmented with behavior like interaction with public (customer) and taking action based on assessment of public satisfaction. The effectiveness of this process depends on how proactively they are taking initiative on strategic planning and implementation. Internal control which ensures the reasonable assurance to meet the objectives of organization in compliance with applicable laws and regulations are very much necessary.

Risk management can be viewed in different perspectives such as ‘managing the downside’ or ‘considering risk as an opportunity to improve’. But the balanced view by minimizing risks, controlling uncertainties and managing opportunities will contribute towards better outcome.

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