Sacred Gastronomy Trails: Exploring the Divine Fusion of Religion, Food, and Tourism

Sacred Gastronomy Trails: Exploring the Divine Fusion of Religion, Food, and Tourism

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1814-0.ch008
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This study seeks to explain the complex relationships among these three constantly evolving fields, i.e., religion, food, and tourism. The primary objective is to examine the strong link between food and religion by breaking down culinary customs and examining how they influence the formation of gastronomic identities across a range of religious traditions. The second objective explores the connection between food and travel, with a special emphasis on the cultural relevance of pilgrimage food travels. The third goal is to broaden the investigation to include the connection between religion and travel. Through the integration of results from the three aforementioned goals, the research aims to develop a theoretical framework that elucidates the intricate relationship between these components, offering a thorough comprehension of the interdependence of religion, cuisine, and travel in forming personal encounters and cultural environments.
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There have always been strong and complex connections between eating habits and religious beliefs throughout human history (Michopoulou & Jauniškis, 2020). Food and religion have created cultural identities and promoted a sense of kinship among varied societies through symbolic rituals, regulated diets, and communal feasts marking significant occasions (Twiss, 2012). Investigating this relationship by removing the layers of culinary rituals ingrained in religious activities across cultural boundaries is the primary goal of this study. In doing so, the authors hope to provide light on the religious settings of dining communally, the preparation techniques, and the symbolic meaning of particular meals.

Concurrently, there has been a shift in the global tourism landscape as more and more tourists seek for experiences beyond traditional sightseeing (Petry, Pikkemaat, Chan, & Scholl-Grissemann, 2022). In particular, culinary tourism has grown in popularity as a way to explore different cultures and get a glimpse into what makes a place unique (Smith, 2015). The study's second objective is to examine the connection between food and travel, with a particular focus on pilgrimage meal experiences. The work strives to understand the cultural significance of particular foods, rituals, and communal dining practices that draw travellers looking for real and immersive experiences by looking at how religious beliefs impact culinary tourism.

Tourism trends are significantly shaped by religious sites and festivals, which are frequently the focal points of spiritual and cultural legacy (Terzidou, Scarles, & Saunders, 2018). These locations draw both pilgrims and tourists who are looking for both spiritual fulfilment and cultural enrichment (Jongmeewasin, 2016). The study's third goal is to investigate the connection between religion and tourism, specifically how travel plans and individual experiences at different locations are influenced by religious practices and beliefs. By shedding light on the transforming potential of religious tourism on both a personal and a societal level, this investigation hopes to advance knowledge of the relationship between spirituality and travel.

At the juncture of growing globalisation, cross-cultural interaction, and growing respect for various customs, the relationship between food, religion, and travel becomes an intriguing area of research (Mekoth & Thomson, 2018). This study aims to investigate the complex and dynamic links that connect these three realms. A comprehensive and integrated knowledge of the dynamics of religion, food, and tourism is still lacking in the literature, despite the fact that previous studies have touched on certain elements of these intersections in isolation (Sgroi, 2021). This work's justification stems from the realisation that it is necessary to make connections between various components and provide a thorough investigation that goes beyond discrete analyses.

The goal of this conceptual framework is to offer a theoretical foundation that depicts the intricate relationship between food, religion, and travel. By connecting the dots between these three fields, the researchers hope to provide a comprehensive viewpoint that will benefit policymakers, travellers, and culture vultures alike, in addition to enhancing scholarly conversation. The goal of this framework is to provide guidance for future study, policy development, and cultural activities that honour the diversity and connectivity of global communities. It is intended to serve as a tool for understanding the complex web of relationships between religion, cuisine, and tourism.

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