Sales Force Automation Usage and Performance

Sales Force Automation Usage and Performance

Jason Wai Chow Lee, Osman Mohamad, T. Ramayah, Joyce Ong Sheau Ching
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-044-6.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter examines the relationships between SFA usage and sales performance among IT salesforce by adopting the technology adoption model (TAM). Data was collected from 150 IT sales persons in a questionnaire survey to examine the relationships between SFA usage (organizing, route plan, presenting and reporting, informing, support, processing and record keeping) and salesperson performance (efficiency, administrative efficiency, control and communication efficiency). Findings from multiple regression analyses indicate that route plan, organizing, presenting, reporting and processing have significant relationships with salesperson performance. The study suggests strongly the significant role of appropriate SFA usage in enhancing the performance of sales personnel in the IT industry. Implications and suggestions for future research on SFA are also presented.
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Literature Review

Extant literature on technology adoption shows that many studies based on TAM (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989; Wright, Fletcher, Donaldson, & Lee, 2008) have focused mostly on organizational performance. Related literature also suggests that there are obvious differences between organizational and salesperson perspectives on the goals, benefits and obstacles associated with SFA. Some authors observed that SFA has contributed to administrative efficiencies, strategic advantages and improvement in sales force efficiency (Rivers & Dart, 1999; Thompson, 2005).

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