Scenes from the Future: Reflections from the Service Factory Workshop Sessions

Scenes from the Future: Reflections from the Service Factory Workshop Sessions

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0164-2.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This final chapter presents some scenes from the future in terms of elaborating on the reflections from the service factory workshops presented in the previous chapter. Here, the author focuses on five application scenarios and tries to shed light on a variety of methodological, organisational, human-related factors, and business aspects. The selected areas include: (1) problem solving in complex product development projects, (2) collaborative authoring, publishing and delivery of multimedia content, (3) individual learning and corporate content management in industry, (4) knowledge sharing and management in professional virtual communities, and lastly, (5) augmented reality and experiential systems for use in remote and rural areas.
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12.1. The Five Product Development Application Scenarios

Below we describe each of the five selected application scenarios for product development, each of which is followed by a reference outline to a future / envisaged (‘2020’) scenario.

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