Secure Knowledge Management

Secure Knowledge Management

S. Upadhyaya, H. Raghav Rao, G. Padmanabhan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-933-5.ch253
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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As the world is getting more and more technology savvy, the collection and distribution of information and knowledge need special attention. Progress has been made on the languages and tools needed for effective knowledge management and on the legal issues concerning the consumption and dissemination of critical knowledge. From a business perspective, a knowledge-management system (KMS) within a firm generally strives to maximize the human-capital utilization and profitability of the firm. However, security is becoming a major issue revolving around KMS; for instance, the KMS must incorporate adequate security features to prevent any unauthorized access or unauthorized dissemination of information. Acquiring the information that one needs to remain competitive while safeguarding the information one already has is a complicated task. Firms must balance the advantages of openness against its inevitable risks, and maximize the efficiency of electronic communication without making it a magnet for intruders. One must integrate offense and defense into a comprehensive strategy, and scholars have suggested that it is time to integrate intelligence and security imperatives with other knowledge-management strategies and processes (Barth, 2001).

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