Selected Intellectual Property Issues in Standardization

Selected Intellectual Property Issues in Standardization

Martin B.H. Weiss, Michael B. Spring
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-878289-70-4.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter explores several issues related to intellectual property in the standardization process. Different intellectual property issues dominate in the three major phases in the life cycle of a standard. In development, where the content of the standard is created, there are issues related to the intellectual property codified in the standard. During distribution, where documentation on the standard is shared with the vendor and user community, there are issues related to the copyright of the document. In implementation, where products and processes based on the standard are brought to market, there are again issues pertaining to the intellectual property in the standard. Many of these issues have implications for policymakers and stakeholders. The implications are considered and the options available to policymakers and stakeholders are enumerated.

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