Smart Organizations in the Digital Age

Smart Organizations in the Digital Age

Erastos Filos
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-933-5.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The chapter aims to present and explain the concept of the smart organization. This concept arose from the need for organizations to respond dynamically to the changing landscape of a digital economy. A smart organization is understood to be both internetworked and knowledge-driven, and therefore able to adapt to new organizational challenges rapidly. It is sufficiently agile to respond to opportunities of the digital age. The three networking dimensions of smart organizations, ICT-enabled virtuality, organizational teaming, and knowledge hyperlinking, are elaborated. This networking capability allows smart organizations to cope with complexity and with rapidly changing economic environments. The paper also shows how managing the smart organization requires a more “fuzzy” approach to managing smart resources: people, information, knowledge, and creativity. Research is also presented, mainly from the European perspective. It has been key to creating the conditions for organizations to become smart.

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