Smart Refrigerator with Recipe Assistance

Smart Refrigerator with Recipe Assistance

Aishwarya Gadgil, Vedija Jagtap, Pooja Kulkarni
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9866-4.ch075
(Individual Chapters)
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Internet of Things (IoT) will lead to a technological revolution that will change the way people live and interact with their surroundings. Intelligent appliances combined with multimedia capability have been emerging in everyone's life. Smart home is one of the prominent areas of intelligent advances. Kitchen is considered as the center of our house, where the refrigerator plays an important role. Smart Refrigerator with Recipe Assistance will help in automating the refrigerator. The authors propose a system that would track the stock of ingredients in the refrigerator with the help of RFID tags and load cells. According to the availability of ingredients a list of possible recipes is predicted and suggestions will be given to the user. Whenever an item is identified by a RFID tag, estimations on the usage of ingredients are made and we can get notifications about the scarce products. The system will also help in checking the availability of ingredients based on the recipe user wishes to cook. The time required by an individual for manually checking the availability of ingredients in the refrigerator and then thinking about what to cook is greatly reduced using this system. Most of the information is automatically generated using RFID tags. Once the user logins into the application he/ she will be suggested the possible list of recipes based on the availability. Human intellectual power then can be used for new creative processes rather than using it for routine chores.
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Literature Survey

Intelligent appliances have been emerging in our daily life. The concept of smart refrigerator has been introduced by many developers, designers and manufacturers. Smart grocery management system helps in identifying the quantity of ingredients and sending the notification based on the available quantity.

“Smart Grocery Management system using Internet of Things” stated by Patil and Pawar describes the existing systems involving the use of HC-SR04 ultrasonic and temperature sensors. The smart grocery management system helps in automated grocery management with the help of messaging protocol, it helps in directing the message to the grocery store based on the availability of ingredient. MQTT protocol (Patil & Pawar, 2016) has been used in this system, it is a lightweight messaging protocol used for sending the message based on the availability of ingredients. This protocol is not efficient for this system as this system do not integrate the messaging concept.

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