Social and Economic Maxims of ICT in Education

Social and Economic Maxims of ICT in Education

Sonia Bhandari, Aarti Bhandari
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6620-9.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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ICT in education, in terms of terminology and structural composition, may carry out three basic components, namely education, information, and communication technology. ICT in education has its sole concern of identifying the most suitable and appropriate use of developed technology (both hardware and software) for serving the educational needs of society at a particular time and place. Education using ICT tools also aids in expanding educational opportunities to socially vulnerable section of people such as low-income groups, women, aged, and differently abled. This effectiveness of ICT in education depends on the presence or absence of the conditions and elements, facilitating or obstructing the proper flow of information and technological methods. Proceeding from simple to complex always provides an appropriate learning sequence. Hence, a wise teacher cares for a beautiful integration of psychological principles to logical organisation of sequence of activities in his teachings for social and economic growth of the community altogether.
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Throughout the journey of life, learning is a continuing activity where people change their assumptions and beliefs by seeking rational knowledge, which departs from traditional approaches and practices within a society. Be willing to seek out new sources of knowledge and implementing them in an educational structure plays the role of remodelling of community, both socially and economically. The youth of today is brimming with potential and advanced skills aspiring to have opportunities for a better life. It is worthy to consider Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a powerful tool for educational change and reform due to its easy accessibility and powerful presentation across the globe (Antonio, Gomes, and Marcelino, 2015). Information and communication technology (ICT) includes computer hardware, the internet and application software, and numerous other electronic automated delivery systems used in today’s education field. With the advent of science and technology era, developing skills for using ICT in education will be an indispensable prerequisite for the teachers as well as the learners to radiate a sense of self-esteem and communicate better with different sections of the world. Today‘s society is a world of information explosion that is taking place at a expeditious pace. Even an educated and knowledgeable person discern as if he or she is capable enough to cope up with such an information explosion. Information Technology is nothing but the rapidly increasing amount of published information and its methodical management to help reduce disproportionate learning and behavioural effects within the society.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Educational Technology (Edtech): Application of principles of psychology in learning along with application of science and technology in practical teaching problems.

Intrinsic Motivation: Natural tendency to seek out and conquer challenges as we pursue personal interests.

Extrinsic Motivation: When a learner does something in order to earn a grade and avoid punishment.

Self-Regulation: Abilities of self-monitoring, self-reinforcement, and goal setting for an effective and meaningful learning.

Inclusion: To include all socio-economic learner groups for having equal opportunities to education and learning.

Instructional Design: Strategies for teaching that integrate pedagogy and technology together to develop behaviourism, pragmatism, and constructivism in learners.

Reinforcement Schedule: Use of continuous or intermittent reinforced behaviour for faster learning.

Open-Ended Learning: Platform where learners feel safe, supported, and inspired to learn at their own pace.

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