Social Justice in Social Work: Preliminaries

Social Justice in Social Work: Preliminaries

Tatiana Focsa
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7706-6.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The actuality of the given topic comes from the approach of the concept of social justice in relation with factors of decisions and power of the state. One of the solutions identified by the state organization is the creation of the system of social work, which represents a component of the national system of social protection, within which the state and civil society is engaged to prevent, limit or remove the temporary or permanent effects of some events considered as social risks that could generate the marginalization or exclusion of the persons and families in difficulty. In our vision, the social justice represents the equality of chances of each individual in relation with the equity and equality as fundamental principles of social coexistence. In a “healthy” state, any person, regardless of experience or life circumstances, succeeds to achieve the maximum potential. We believe that there is no human society that is entirely based on social equality or equity, but this is only an additional motive to make efforts in this direction.
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In this paper we intend to reflect the social justice as value and principle of the practice of social work. The process of globalization and the enactment of the Codes of professional conduct of the social worker at the international, regional and national level, determined the unification of the human values defended unanimously by the state through the professionals in the social field – social workers. Social justice constitutes a value, as well as a principle according to which social workers perform their job.

The goal of the chapter consists in identifying the role of social work in assuring the equality of chances of all social actors without discrimination, in order to assure the respect of social justice as human value.

The objectives emerged in order to accomplish the given goal, are the following:

  • To discuss the concept of social justice.

  • To analyse the soft laws of assuring the respect of social values.

  • To expose the European social practice of assuring the equality of chances of people from the European space.


Argument Of The Paper

An important factor that increases the interest for studying the social justice in the context of social practices is the process of globalization, which influences all societies and domains, inclusively the systems of protection and social work. If until recently we couldn’t speak about the international social work due to the fact that the policies of supporting the people were related to each state apart, than at that moment, people more often began to operate with this phenomenon caused mainly by the process of globalization and trauma, lost and sufferings that don’t take into consideration the geographical placement of states or certain categories of people

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