Social Media and Health Communication

Social Media and Health Communication

Esra Fener
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6825-5.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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In today's technology age, our communication style has changed and social media channels that provide remote and mutual interaction on digital platforms have become an important communication tool. In this digital communication age, when the need for remote communication has increased and is needed more with the pandemic period, it is seen that health information is shared more and more on social media platforms. In this process, it is seen that the health ministries of all countries, especially the World Health Organization (WHO), actively use social media channels as well as media channels for sharing health information. In this chapter, basic information about social media, social media channels, health communication, health communication in social media, and the effect of this communication on health literacy will be explained. For this purpose, the relevant social media platforms and studies have been examined and conveyed.
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Social Media

The term social media generally refers to web-based tools that allow individuals and communities to communicate and share content such as information, ideas, personal messages, images, and collaborate with other users simultaneously (Peck, 2014). Social media is a medium that enables community building, socialization and sharing with interconnected networks, as well as opportunities for activities such as learning, acquiring information, purchasing and promotion (Tuten & Solomon, 2015).

With the development of the internet infrastructure and the introduction of the Web 2.0 platform, which is defined as the second-generation internet services, to the world-wide user service, it has gone from one-way information sharing to two-way and simultaneous information sharing. With this transition, everyone has got the right to write and publish their ideas in electronic media. The shared contents have been enriched and have started to be shared as visual, audio contents, videos, movies, clips, songs, etc. as well as written sharings (Boyd & Ellison, 2008), (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010), (Maness, 2006).

The most important feature that distinguishes and differentiates social media from all other platforms is that it allows people to create and share original content, as well as bringing people together by removing space and time restrictions. Social media channels such as blogs, social networks, content posts, wikis and forums are mostly cost-free environments where people can share their ideas, feelings, happiness and sadness, likes and dislikes, and experiences (Thackeray, Neiger, Hanson, & McKenzie, 2008).

In today's world where the masses are mobile and online, social media can also be considered as a tool that creates a free discussion platform for individuals and institutions, and enables individuals to communicate with each other and with institutions, without the limit of sharing and communication. Social media platforms also have benefits such as being used for public relations, brand and institution positioning, and increasing corporate reputation (Fener, 2016).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Mass Communication: It is the transmission of the message to a large and unknown audience through one or more mass media.

Health Communication: It is the application of communication concepts and theories to health-related interactions and processes between individuals for the purpose of improving health.

Pandemic: It is the general name given to epidemic diseases that spread and show their effects in a wide area in more than one country or continent in the world.

Health Institutions: It includes all institutions that provide health services.

Health Literacy: It is the ability of an individual to reach, understand and use health information for the protection and maintenance of health.

Social Network Sites: These are virtual environments where users can create fully or partially open profiles, select and identify the people they will communicate with, and observe the profiles and relationships of other users.

Social media: Social media is an online network where users can produce and share their own content and at the same time view the content created by other users.

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