Social Media Insights Into Consumer Behavior

Social Media Insights Into Consumer Behavior

Wasswa Shafik
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5288-5.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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The link between social media and consumer behavior shows how digital landscapes affect consumer choices. From social media's constant change, organizations learn valuable lessons. Critically analyzing user-generated material and applying creative analytics reveal customer preferences and habits. Social media analytics and indicators help organizations understand audience engagement and online interactions. Influencer marketing, transient digital content, and smart technology elevate this exploration. These phases show that evaluation demands flexibility, a customer-centric approach, and the capacity to draw practical conclusions from enormous data sets. Future technologies like natural language processing and expert systems will enable more customization and customer emotion understanding. This analysis goes beyond consumer behavior to highlight agility, resilience, and honesty in devising techniques that appeal to the ever-discerning electronic client. Social media analysis demonstrates the evolving role of customer awareness and strategic company orchestration in the digital age.
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