Socio-Cultural Interpretations to the Diffusion and Use of Broadband Services in a Korean Digital Society

Socio-Cultural Interpretations to the Diffusion and Use of Broadband Services in a Korean Digital Society

Dal Jin Yong
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-87828-991-9.ch075
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter attempts to ascertain the causes of the rapid growth of broadband services in the context of the broader socio-cultural elements. It recognizes technology as a socio-cultural product which has historically been constituted by certain forms of knowledge and social practice, so this chapter explores cultural elements contributing to the diffusion of broadband services in the context of the cultural environment in Korea. Further, this chapter discusses the significant role of the people, as users, in the process of the rapid diffusion and growth of broadband services. In particular, it emphasizes the way in which the 1997 economic crisis, as one of the most significant socio-cultural turning points in modern Korean history, has influenced the deployment of broadband services as high-speed Internet connections have developed since 1997.

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