Socioeconomic Impact of Education on Agriculture

Socioeconomic Impact of Education on Agriculture

Saiqa Yameen
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7158-2.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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Education is one of the basic activities in all human societies because continued existence of a society depends largely upon the transmission of it heritage to the new generation. In its broadest sense, education is the process by which society seeks to transmit its tradition, customs skills and culture to the young generation. Education has been rationally regarded as a social obligation and is widely accepted that the major factor in nation's economic progress is the quality of its man power resources. Education is considered as one of the important factors in speeding up the process of social change in any society. In order to understand the complexity of the society itself and to move along with the change, one need to be educated. Education brings changes in the attitude and behaviors of the people. Education helps to overcome poverty, increase income, improves health and nutrition and reduces family size.
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The first lesson of Islam that was given by our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is an education. ”Read with the name of Allah who created the man with a clot, read and your lord is most bounteous who taught by the pen, taught man men when he knew nothing”. Surah Alaq (Al Quran). Education is a continuous process, which goes on from cradle to grave (Hadith).

Education is considered as one of the important factors in speeding up the process of social change in any society. In order to understand the complexity of the society itself and to move along with the change, one needs to be educated. Education brings changes in the attitude and behaviors of the people. Education helps to overcome poverty, increase income, improves health and nutrition and reduces family size.

Education is considered to be an important pillar of development for any country. More the literacy rate more will be the development. For developing countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc., it is necessary to utilize all its resources, both physical and human to their full capacity for achieving rapid economic progress. In Pakistan where the bulk of the population is rural and agriculture is the main industry to increase productivity. So, the importance of education, therefore, cannot be denied for the total development of any country.

Agriculture education encompasses the study of applied sciences (e,g; biology, chemistry, physics), and business management principles. One of the major purposes of agricultural education is to apply the knowledge and skills learnt in the various disciplines in agricultural education. The agricultural education goes beyond knowledge and skills development in that students are able to develop on an understanding of;

  • 1.

    The significance of agriculture in a global society, through the application of scientific and business principles and problem solving strategies; and

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    The interdependency and leadership between the agricultural industry and other significant business interwoven with the entire economic and social structure of the community, state, nation and world. This program places an emphasis on food systems, environmental issues, and development of life skills.

The study focuses on the needs of individuals and groups and in developing individually satisfying and socially responsible knowledge, skills, and occupational values. Such a focus recognizes the value of and relies heavily upon, experiences as the context in which knowledge and skills are learned.

Agricultural education focuses on but is not limited to, a study in horticulture, forestry, conservation, natural resources, agricultural products and processing, production of food and fiber, aquaculture and other agricultural products, mechanics, sales, and services, economics, marketing, and leadership development. Agricultural education provides opportunities to learn basic agricultural skills and knowledge, occupation training and retraining, and professional growth and development.

The major aim of agricultural education for the youth in school is to express them to various occupations in agriculture and prepare them for the different occupations in agriculture. This calls for vocational course content aimed at the development of skills and competencies in agricultural practices. Currently, Agricultural Education is being taught as one of the art subjects and given orientation as education for citizenship. Agricultural education should be utilitarian and stimulating bringing theoretical ideas to practical reality. Agricultural topics in schools are taught as biology without due translation to practical use for production.

Agricultural education should be seen as a national problem. The role of agriculture in the national economy should be reemphasized and factors influencing agricultural activities and food security put in place. There is the need for sensitization and enlightenment of the rural areas which accommodate the greater percentage of the population.

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