Soft systems methodology (SSM) as an action research process has been applied to education systems and, according to the main objective of this chapter to design an improved education system, the applications of SSM in the process of teaching and learning, educational planning, analysis of the examinations department, an educational context for enhancing students' perception and understanding, the cheating problem in the national examination in Indonesia, and personalized learning environment are reviewed. The SSM can be used to analyze the system through providing a deeper understanding as well as the possibility of more clearly capturing the change, which is necessary to prepare the ideal education system that will satisfy the concerned people, specifically students and lecturers.
TopProcess Of Teaching And Learning
SSM is of great importance for a reflective practitioner. While requiring only a pen and paper to be used, this methodology is considered as a comprehensive and perceptive to identify the problematic issues (for example, lack of information flows) and to provide recommendations for improving the specified problems. Reasonably, students attempt to achieve the highest possible degree classification in a desirable learning process. Hence, many of the university activities are planned to satisfy the students' learning needs and it remains, however, as a constantly unanswered question for lecturers how this might be best achieved. .