Software Development Methodologies for Cloud Computing

Software Development Methodologies for Cloud Computing

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3679-8.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Cloud computing is recently taking a significant focus in the information technology fields as a possible future trend for how computer services and applications can be provided to users or businesses. Cloud computing is utilizing the recent large expansion of Internet and network technologies where the increase in the data size and transfer speed made it possible to make the Internet or the cloud a possible host for all or most users’ applications and data. With this new technology, several changes are expected to occur in the information technology fields and systems to adapt to this field or technology. In this chapter, the author focuses on the possible impact on the way software companies will develop their software products. For example, the traditional client server system architecture is expected to be significantly impacted with cloud computing new framework. All software development concepts and activities will be revisited to discuss what things can be different in the cloud computing paradigm.
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Cloud Computing

A recently growing trend and IT service platform is what is called cloud computing. In cloud computing, companies may outsource all their IT department functionalities to a cloud host company. The service level that cloud companies offer varies based on the previously mentioned classification based on what they offer for businesses and based on the business need and options. The cloud company can offer providing a particular software for individuals or companies (SaaS). It means that users will not get a downloadable copy of the software on their machine. Rather, they need to access the cloud every time they need the software and use it as a service. Users can still have any local generated files of the application. However, they may need the application in future for modifications. Charge of such service can be usually based on the usage period or time.

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